Troubleshooting & Technical Resources

Having trouble but not ready to call customer service yet? Try walking through the interactive troubleshooting guides provided below to solve the problem. You can also download a PDF version of our Troubleshooting Guide for offline use.

Alarm Circuit Troubleshooting

Use our handy interactive tool to troubleshoot your alarm circuit.

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RK Series™ Simplex Panel Troubleshooting

Use our handy interactive tool to troubleshoot your RK Series™ Simplex Panel.

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RK Series™ Duplex Panel Troubleshooting

Use our handy interactive tool to troubleshoot your RK Series™ Duplex Panel.

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Alternating Circuit Test

Use our handy interactive tool to troubleshoot if your pumps are not alternating.

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Full Load Current Single-Phase Alternating-Current Motors

The following values of full load currents are typical for motors running at usual speeds and motors with normal torque characteristics. The voltages listed are rated motor voltages. The currents listed shall be permitted for system voltage ranges of 110 to 120 and 220 to 240 volts.

Source: National Electric Code, 2005 Edition.

Full Load Current Three-Phase Alternating-Current Motors

The following values of full load currents are typical for motors running at speeds usual for belted motors and motors with normal torque characteristics. The voltages listed are rated motor voltages. The currents listed shall be permitted for system voltage ranges of 110 to 120, 220 to 240, 440 to 480, and 550 to 600 volts.

*For 90 and 80 percent power factor, the figures shall be multiplied by 1.1 and 1.25, respectively.

Source: National Electric Code, 2005 Edition.

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